Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Who do people in India get???

Who do people in India get when they call a company for technical assistance? Now we would assume in a cruel twist of fate they get some American with a thick southern accent... can you just imagine.

Customer: "Hello I need help with my laptop, it won't power up when i press the button"
CSR: How'dy partner, I'd be sure shooting to be yah helpin yah out, I'm gonna need a weeee bit of Information from you, can I get your name?"
C: "My name is Akram Farmy"
CSR "Woooah their please sir, slow it down, i an't one of these here computers, you said HAk-Ram PHarney?
C: "No sir I said Akram Farmy"
CSR: "ok I got it you said Mr. Backram Tarmy"
C: "No I said A k r a m F a r m y"
CSR: "Ok Sir, I'll need you to spell that for me.

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