Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wimbledon tennis finals.... something new?

This year the Wimbledon finals Raphael Nadal beat Roger Feddear, and normally with tennis I could care less. But I did watch the last 10 minutes as it was reported to be such a great game. But I noticed something interesting that I know has to be new. after the match was over they interviewed both players starting with Roger, then asked him about the match.

Now for all intensive purposes this seems normal, but try that with John McEnroe after somebody beat him in the 80s! I can guarantee you they did not do this.

Reporter: " well John how do you feel about your loss and the game?"
John Mac: " how do I feel? I'll tell you how I feel, I saw chalk fly up! that stupid judge can't see anything, my blind grandmother can see more than he can! It's retarded! I didn't actually lose this game that blind judge over there he lost it for me! I mean did you see chalk fly up? I did, I can tell you that all these fans they saw it, and everyone at home saw it chalk flew up that ball was on the line!"

R: " will have you feel about your opponents play"
JM: " his play? He paid off the judges at that on the dominant player I should've won I did win, or would have if he hadn't cheated, paid off the judges or whatever. We all know everyone here and everyone watching that I am the best tennis player in the world, and we all know and we all saw CHALK FLY UP!!!!! that ball was on THE LINE!!!!!"

So yes that was a new feature, tennis is become a much more civilized sport.

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